From tiny acorns do mighty oaks grow, and from a single seeded idea a mighty MMORPG has flourished in Decentraland, bringing with it the opportunity for vanquishers of mythical foes to ply their trade in the metaverse, and yield tangible rewards for their efforts.

Back in late November, a proposal was set to the Decentraland DAO to build a fearsome combat arena in the decentralized metaverse. Born of this divine vision, Wilderness arrived in the shape of a highly interactive mystical battle, featuring grand gameplay and P2E economics.

Since then, the game has progressed in leaps and bounds, encompassing a wide range of immersive features. None more significant than the recent launch of the game’s native utility token $WLDY. Now, gamers can earn genuine rewards which they can then swap for in game items and wearables, or, trade freely on an external exchange.

The factor that sets Wilderness leagues apart from everything else however, is that its completely free to participate. To start earning, gamers just need to jump into Decentraland and begin mercilessly destroying their opponents in the magical arena.

Later, Wilderness will look to introduce a 100% decentralized DAO governance system. An incredible organization that will decide every key aspect of the game on a completely democratic level, including the power to restructure the entire leadership system and oust those that do not act in its best interests.

Going forward, Wilderness plans to develop into a whole social ecosystem. So, those of a more peaceful nature can while away the days baking, farming or blacksmithing, as they provide a key role in the economic structure. Next up, Wilderness will host a grand NFT sale where all in game wearables feature full Decentraland compatibility.

So, what are you waiting for? Go earn some delicious coin!

Learn more about Wilderness >> Here

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