Can you sense it? That warm, restless buzz of excitement? It’s taking over your Twitter feed, sliding into your DMs with internet frens, and dominating your Discord discussions. It’s ETHDenver  —  the Ethereum community’s most beloved and long-standing meetup in the USA. 

This year MetaMask and Infura are showing up to #TheYearOfTheSpork with one purpose and one purpose only: to build. We’re here for the builders. Always have been, always will be. 

Here’s how MetaMask and Infura are inspiring the builder in everyone at ETHDenver this year. 

ETHDenver Bounties: #BUIDL with MetaMask Snaps & Infura

Fun fact: ETHDenver is the largest and longest running #BUIDLathon in the world. Of course, it wouldn’t truly be ETHDenver without some bountiful bounties for builders to take home. After all, permissionless innovation is what drives the builder in all of us. We can’t wait to see what you’ll create and are here to support you with the tooling you need along the way. 

Whether it’s development environments from Truffle, smart contract security tools from Diligence, web3’s top API suite to connect to Ethereum, Polygon, and more with Infura, or using MetaMask Snaps for the most innovative features yet, we’ve got you covered. Here are some resources to help you prepare for the #BUIDLWeek:

Check out the MetaMask Snaps and Infura bounties when they go live on Monday, February 20th at 10am MST at the #BUIDLathon Kick-Off Livestream on 

And if you haven’t already, sign up to take part in #BUIDLWeek here.

Introducing MetaMask Learn

Alright builders. Most of you likely understand the foundations of web3 already, but what about the community you’re trying to spread the word to? Are they able to keep up with the blockchain industry’s tech-heavy jargon? Get excited about participating in the new creator economy? Confidently navigate the dynamic web3 world?

It’s okay if the answer is, no. Most people still don’t grasp the fundamentals of web3.

That’s why we built MetaMask Learn, an educational and entertaining platform designed to immerse you in the world of web3— what it is, why it matters, and how to get started. 

MetaMask Learn is designed for anyone who wants to explore web3 fundamentals, especially geared towards those with no prior knowledge of blockchain technology. 

At a self-moderated pace, the community you’re onboarding can jump into any and all lessons that interest them, interact with features in the simulation, and experience those satisfying “ah-ha” moments when they finally grasp important concepts related to self-custody, true ownership, and utility. 

MetaMask Learn is a free-to-use resource, available in 10 languages, providing engaging interactive simulations to get people familiar with the web3 world we’re passionate about.  

See for yourself at and add it to your onboarding guide to gain new dapp users! 

Events, swag, and a secret space at ETHDenver…

Whether it’s at the MetaMask and Infura booths, the hackathon, our exclusive kick-off event: Unlock The Block, or at the secret space we’ve got planned, there are many ways to connect with our teams. And we love seeing you all IRL! 

Unlock the Block: An exclusive evening hosted by MetaMask and Infura on March 1st

MetaMask will be hosting an exclusive kick-off event, Unlock the Block, during #BUIDLWeek to inaugurate ETHDenver on Wednesday, March 1st at 1134 Broadway from 6pm to 12am with an open bar.

The event will bring together industry executives, press, and the broader community for an evening of connection, music and hospitality. Throughout the event, we’ll be spotlighting local artists, projects, and communities. Stay tuned to get on the waitlist by following ConsenSys on Twitter

Booth & Swag

Come visit us at the Shill Zone in DevTopia for some exclusive swag, fun activations, and to just say hi! 👋Within our booth, we’ll have areas for you to connect with our teams to and other attendees in a casual and collaborative setting. 

A secret surprise…

To top off all this action we’ve got a little secret planned. A “great escape” if you will. The surprise is part of the MetaMask and Infura booth, open to all ETHDenver attendees, and will require your keenest and most creative solutions to navigate. NFTs are involved. Dimly lit spaces, cascading in neon light too. See you there!

See you at ETHDenver, builders!

As you gathered, we’ve got a lot going on and look forward to seeing you at ETHDenver, starting on February 24th through to March 5th. 

Follow @ConsenSys, @MetaMaskDev, and @Infura_io on Twitter to get real time updates on all our activities. 

Happy #BUIDLing!

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