American digital media brand ‘Yes Theory’ is taking Web3 film to the next level, as it will be producing a solely-NFT-funded film based on a Danish athlete’s attempt to complete the first-ever long-distance triathlon in Antartica. More specifically, the film will follow protagonist Anders Hofman (a.k.a. The Iceman), as he completes a 3.9km ice water swim, a 180k bike on a glacier, and a 42.2km run in a snow blizzard, and will aptly be titled ‘Project Iceman’.

Yes Theory’s decision to exclusively use funding from blockchain-based sources is based off the premise of maintaining full creative control over the project, whilst also being able to build a community where members become investors and digital owners of the film. In accordance with such ethos, the producers reportedly turned down a $1.25 million investment offer from a major (but undisclosed) streaming service. 

The fundraising will see the launch of NFTs in four tiers of rarity, ‘The World’s Coldest Movie Tickets,’ ‘The Ice Squad,’ ‘The Owner’s Table’ and ‘The Executive Producer’.

Here, ’The World’s Coldest Movie Tickets’ will cost $50 to mint, and will include a ticket to the film’s exclusive virtual premiere, three-day exclusive access to knowing the whereabouts of the physical red carpet premieres (with a 50% discount on tickets), voting for an additional city for the film to be premiered in, and more. Although there is a supply of 10,000, only 5,000 will be available to mint as an NFT, as the remaining 5,000 will be sold as regular tickets on ‘Seek Discomfort’. 

The more exclusive ‘The Ice Squad’ NFTs will cost $1,500 to mint, and will include pre-access to future events and NFT launches of Yes Theory and Project Iceman, two VIP tickets to a premiere (where they will meet Hofman and the rest of the film’s team), access to the ‘Ice Squad’s’ Discord channel, a featuring on the film’s credits, and more.  

The 25 ‘The Owner’s Table’ NFTs intuitively increase in exclusivity even more, as they will each cost a hefty $1,5000 to mint, and will include a unique 10-second clip from the film, a ‘seat at the table’ in Yes Theory (where you essentially become part of executive decisions), four VIP tickets to a red carpet premiere and after party, all other perks from ‘The Ice Squad,’ and more. 

The pinnacle of the launch is the singular ‘Executive Producer’ NFT, which, as its name suggests, will allow its owner to become an executive producer of the film. The owner will have to acquire the asset through an auction, whereupon their triumph, they will own the one minute climax of the film, will join Anders on the full day of a red carpet premiere, receive 10 VIP tickets to any red carpet premiere, attend a private screening with the team, and will have all the perks from ‘The Owner’s Table’ NFT (and more). 

As of now, only ‘The World’s Coldest Movie Ticket’ and ‘The Ice Squad’ assets are available for purchase, with ‘The Owner’s Table’ and ‘Executive Producer’ assets becoming available some time before the film’s premiere in July 2022.

Watch the film’s trailer >> Here

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