Last year, The Denver Beer Co. launched what remains to this day, the greatest NFT ever sold. Now, fellow malted barley innovators, Dunes Brewing will follow in their significant footsteps for their own take on the non-fungible technology.

Through their mighty initiative, Dunes Brewing will launch the ‘NFT Mug Club’. A grand collection of 100 tokens representing initiation into an exclusive craft ale-themed community, where adherents can celebrate the nectar of the gods in its entire hoppy glory, all while receiving a world of excellent perks, including the holy grail of NFT benefits, FREE BEER!

These incredible non-fungibles will arrive in three tiers of membership, representing ‘Special,’ ‘Rare,’ and ‘Ultra Rare NFTs. However, even the lowest grade will leave owners rejoicing over their latest virtual purchase. As such, each NFT will come with its own 24oz (709mm) ceramic mug that Dunes will retain on the premise as a monumental perk and fill it to the top for the price of a standard 16oz (454ml) peasant’s glass.

In addition, each NFT will afford its holder an invitation to the annual Dunes Brewing Mug Club soiree as well as discounted merchandise, exclusive gatherings, and more. Meanwhile, higher tier owners will receive additional perks, including a highly coveted chance to brew with the beer master.

To make the most of this fabulous opportunity, lovers of the golden ambrosia will have to relocate to Orange County, Florida. However, it could represent a small price to pay to join this fine malted beverage community!

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