Dappradar Portfolio Now Supports Polygon Nft Tracking | Nft News

All your precious Polygon NFTs, in one place

DappRadar is excited to launch the second phase of integrating the Polygon blockchain into the Portfolio Tracker service. Anybody can now use the DappRadar Portfolio Tracker to look into the NFT holdings of a particular wallet address. 

Visitors of DappRadar could already use the Portfolio Tracker to track their token holdings and DeFi positions on the Polygon blockchain. Now, they can track their NFT portfolio.

Users without a DappRadar account can still check their portfolio simply by connecting their wallet and then selecting the Polygon blockchain in the top right corner of the Portfolio Tracker.

Machine learning Polygon NFT price estimates 

Popular NFT collection price estimates are powered by a machine learning algorithm that looks at the metadata of past sales to determine the value of your most precious Polygon NFT assets. While lesser traded Polygon NFT price estimates use a last sale price calculation. 

Initially, we have prioritized the top 100 NFT collections, as in total, there are more than 60 million NFTs on Polygon. More will be added, and we will keep improving tracking capabilities as we go. 

NOTE: Polygon NFTs are currently in beta, so you may not see all available metadata information. Please add your feedback using our feedback tool at the bottom of the page. Thanks!

How to use DappRadar Portfolio 

  • Connect your Web3 wallet to DappRadar, and you can navigate to the DappRadar Portfolio Tracker to see your DeFi and NFTs. 
  • This will automatically create a profile for you as well. When you add your email address, you will be able to stay fully up-to-date on product updates or industry news. 
  • Click the account icon, log in or sign up, and connect your wallet. Keep in mind that you need to approve a signature, but no gas fees are involved. 

When you log in to your portfolio, the starting page overview all your assets. You can see the value of your tokens, your DeFi assets, and your NFT collection. You can quickly move to other segments of your portfolio from the Overview page using the menu on the left side.

The DappRadar Portfolio allows users to gain insight into their wallets and take action. Users can trade tokens and list NFTs straight from their wallets on the marketplace. Furthermore, you can research other wallets and acquire certain assets based on your analysis. 

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