In the haunted section of the crypto sphere, ghostly happenings are about to reach their ethereal peak. The spookiest metaverse in town is all but ready to launch its own bespoke form of digital chaos on the blockchain.

To this diabolical design, Aavegotchi, on March 31, with much pomp and ceremony, will launch the Gotchiverse. The culmination of years of development, long hours and restless nights, to transform the pixelated world into more than just a game, launching an entire culture of ghostly goings on and pure digitalized joy as a result.

Aavegotchi Gotchiverse Launch Nft Metaverse

The Gotchiverse will form the backbone of the Aavegotchi ecosystem, providing a vast playground to hang out, play games and build spectre-themed empires, bringing all of Aavegotchi’s long developed play-to-earn capabilities together into one giant world. Inhabitants will be taken away from the regular social media platforms they’re used to, and be firmly put in the brand new bespoke Aavegotchi environment.

From the offset, denizens will congregate in the safe haven of the Citaadel, a grand domain where the Aavegotchi flourish. Inside, they can mine tokens, play games and relax in the safety of its pixelated walls. However, later down the line, they will explore farther afield, to the realm where danger lurks, and the excitement truly begins.

Prepare for all things Gotchiverse >> Here

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