The University Of Tokyo Takes The Classroom Into The Metaverse

The University of Tokyo Takes the Classroom into the Metaverse

In an effort to provide students with a new style of learning, The University of Tokyo has announced that it will soon be offering ‘Metaverse Courses’ for engineering students. To ensure that the new technology-leveraging virtual learning space can be experienced by all, there will be different courses on offer which each cater to university…

Is Blockchain Hindering Play-To-Earn? – Nft Plazas

Is Blockchain Hindering Play-to-Earn? – NFT Plazas

The future of Web3 games is in Web2. I know this might sound weird, particularly coming from someone who’s spent the last year building blockchain games. But hear me out.  The use of blockchain in play-to-earn (P2E) games is overrated. Nowadays, there’s a blockchain-based solution for everything: blockchain-based payments; blockchain-based user accounts, blockchain-based onboarding, and…

A Model for Future Cities? Miami Is Launching Its Own NFT Collection | NFT News

What first pops into your head when thinking about Miami? Is it Miami beach? Miami nightlife? Authentic Cubanos? Dwyane Wade? All are correct, but now Miami’s city government wants you to add “Web3 hotspot” to that list. During the NFT industry’s bull run throughout 2021, one of the most important events during this time frame…

China’S Nft Aversion Stirs Up Black Market Dynamic

China’s NFT Aversion Stirs Up Black Market Dynamic

Despite the Chinese government clamping down on crypto activity in the country, traders have found a way to evade regulatory hurdles by turning to off-the-book transactions for secondhand NFTs.  As China has banned payments using cryptocurrencies, all NFT transactions in the country are tendered with the yuan. In addition, and because of the country’s averse…

City Of Miami To Drop 5K Nfts With Time, Mastercard And Salesforce | Nft News

City of Miami To Drop 5k NFTs With TIME, Mastercard and Salesforce | NFT News

The City of Miami is set to drop 5,000 NFTs alongside TIME, Mastercard and SalesForce. This comes as another way of proving the Miami mayor, Francis Suarez’s love of web3, despite the crypto winter. The City Of Miami, Florida, Are A Massive Supporter Of Web3 And Nfts. About the City of Miami NFTs The city…

Arts Interview: 50Mm Collective Founders Raven + Chelsea | Nft Culture | Nfts & Crypto Art | Nft News

Arts Interview: 50mm Collective founders Raven + Chelsea | NFT CULTURE | NFTs & Crypto Art | NFT News

The 50mm Collective is an NFT art collective dedicated to providing resources and opportunities to historically underrepresented artists with a focus on highlighting BIPOC LGBTQIA artists. As early pioneers in the space, they felt a direct responsibility to ensure diverse representation becomes the forefront of Web3. Their current exhibition “Visibility Gallery” which is a touring…

P2E Gaming Heavyweights Unite To Revolutionize Gamefi

P2E Gaming Heavyweights Unite to Revolutionize GameFi

Now that gaming NFTs have established themselves as a force to be reckoned with, the industry prepares to pivot towards its next great milestone. In essence, games shouldn’t live in isolation, instead, worlds should feed off one another as mighty heroes ply their trade within a myriad of universes, wherein, rogues tread through multiple genres…

Giants Of Web3 Join Forces To Create The Open Metaverse Alliance

Giants of Web3 Join Forces to Create the Open Metaverse Alliance

As the grand endeavor of an all encompassing metaverse continues to take shape, many forget that interoperability remains at its core. As such, for this fundamental idea to become a reality, the myriad of worlds currently under development must remain connected. Essentially, users should have full control over their assets, that in turn must maintain…